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Subvention for policemen who pray against crime.

An unusual manner to fight against crime: a Christian police association who believes in the power of prayer in order to catch criminals and to protect policeman against mischief, received £ 10.000 subvention from the British ministry of Home Affairs.The Christian Police Association (CPA), who state that it has 2000 members all over Great-Britain, believes that regular prayer meetings can help to decrease the crime rates and to encourage criminals to take a new start in their lives.This week the CPA launches the initiative CoAct, which is partially financed by the 10.000 pounds of subvention (approximately € 11.500). Their goal is to improve the relationship between local church communities and policemen, and to encourage congregations to act as "peace keepers" in neighbourhoods who are terrorised by the violence of gangs and by antisocial behaviour."We want that people pray for the police, for instance to solve crimes or to protect policemen. We want the Christian community and the police forces to interact", said Don Axcell, a retired police sergeant who is at the head of the CPA.A spokesman of the Cabinet said: "We gave CPA a once-only £ 10.000 to support the work the association is doing for more safety, against antisocial behaviour and for the containment of violence".

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